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The challenge

It can be hard to effectively translate cybersecurity concepts, risks, and metrics into the language of the business for non-technical audiences. Additionally, existing scorecard techniques are outdated and insufficient because they rely on surveys, sampling and attestation with incomplete data that won’t stand up to increasing long-term scrutiny from executive stakeholders and constant audits.

The solution: Cybersecurity Controls Scorecard

Security leaders can quickly understand and manage security controls, view changes over time, and explore how scores break down across the business. They can prioritize and take action to fix deviations from policy. A straightforward summary of your cybersecurity controls and initiatives allows you to report to a range of stakeholders, including non-technical audiences.

The challenge

It can be hard to effectively translate cybersecurity concepts, risks, and metrics into the language of the business for non-technical audiences. Additionally, existing scorecard techniques are outdated and insufficient because they rely on surveys, sampling and attestation with incomplete data that won’t stand up to increasing long-term scrutiny from executive stakeholders and constant audits.

The solution: Cybersecurity Controls Scorecard

Security leaders can quickly understand and manage security controls, view changes over time, and explore how scores break down across the business. They can prioritize and take action to fix deviations from policy. A straightforward summary of your cybersecurity controls and initiatives allows you to report to a range of stakeholders, including non-technical audiences.

A new type of security scorecard

A new type of security scorecard

The overall performance score is calculated as an aggregate of the scores for individual security initiatives. Each score is calculated against your own policy, so it reflects your risk appetite: green is exceeding policy, amber is accepted, and red is failing. Our experienced team can provide advice on what initiatives to measure and thresholds to set. Improvements over a specific timeframe can be seen in the trend graph.

Benefits of the Cybersecurity Controls Scorecard

Foster trust and support from key stakeholders

Help your key stakeholders better understand the impact of the security function, fostering trust and building greater support for your security initiatives.

Foster trust and support from key stakeholders

Foster trust and support from key stakeholders

Help your key stakeholders better understand the impact of the security function, fostering trust and building greater support for your security initiatives.

Reduce risk more effectively

This at-a-glance view of performance scores means you can more effectively prioritize to take the next best action to improve your security posture.

Reduce risk more effectively

Reduce risk more effectively

This at-a-glance view of performance scores means you can more effectively prioritize to take the next best action to improve your security posture.

Focus on the areas of greatest risk

A RAG map provides a high-level view of how your cybersecurity controls are performing across different business areas, highlighting successes, areas of improvement, and the security metrics having the biggest impact.

Focus on the areas of greatest risk

Focus on the areas of greatest risk

A RAG map provides a high-level view of how your cybersecurity controls are performing across different business areas, highlighting successes, areas of improvement, and the security metrics having the biggest impact.

Find out more in the Scorecard overview

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