2023 Security Leaders Peer Report
The 2023 Panaseer Security Leaders Peer Report gives a unique view into the key concerns and challenges for CISOs and other security leaders. This is the third and most wide-ranging edition, returning to key themes in security controls coverage and monitoring to understand trends over time.
Read it today
The survey of 800 global security leaders investigates the causes of breaches and how they might be prevented. We also examine how security leaders are seeking to improve security posture by measuring and optimizing their existing controls, rather than investing in new tools.
For the first time, the 2023 report reveals how security professionals are personally impacted by working in a high-pressure environment. We ask about the main causes of frustration for security leaders? And what factors are causing security professionals to quit their jobs?
Read the full report to understand the state of security metrics and measurement, and get insight on the challenges your peers are facing.