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The challenge

Security resources are limited. Teams are struggling with too much security data from too many tools,  lacking the context to prioritize the most critical problems. If everything is critical, nothing is critical.

The solution: Risk prioritization

Prioritize remediation based on risk to your business. Combined data from tools across multiple areas of security such as identity, patch, vulnerability, endpoint, and more, provides unrivalled insight into your environment, with detailed business context that lets you identify crown-jewels and take targeted action.

The challenge

Security resources are limited. Teams are struggling with too much security data from too many tools,  lacking the context to prioritize the most critical problems. If everything is critical, nothing is critical.

The solution: Risk prioritization

Prioritize remediation based on risk to your business. Combined data from tools across multiple areas of security such as identity, patch, vulnerability, endpoint, and more, provides unrivalled insight into your environment, with detailed business context that lets you identify crown-jewels and take targeted action.

What’s your exposure to new zero-days?

What’s your exposure to new zero-days?

Our platform allows you to create and track remediation campaigns and get a near real-time understanding of your exposure to high-impact vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell.

User-friendly dashboards help prioritize externally-facing devices, with breakdowns by business unit, region, criticality and environment type. This accelerates remediation by driving collaboration across security, IT and DevOps teams.

Benefits of risk prioritization

Prioritize based on business risk

Identify crown-jewel assets based on how important they are to the organization. This allows you to prioritize remediation according to business risk, saving valuable time and resources.

Prioritize based on business risk

Prioritize based on business risk

Identify crown-jewel assets based on how important they are to the organization. This allows you to prioritize remediation according to business risk, saving valuable time and resources.

Measure and mitigate exposure to high-impact vulnerabilities

Understand your organization’s exposure to the latest high-impact vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell, proactively track remediation, and hold stakeholders accountable.

Measure and mitigate exposure to high-impact vulnerabilities

Measure and mitigate exposure to high-impact vulnerabilities

Understand your organization’s exposure to the latest high-impact vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell, proactively track remediation, and hold stakeholders accountable.

Track remediation against targets

Understand the effectiveness of your remediation efforts compared to your organization’s internal security policies. Combined with understanding of ownership across every endpoint, this improves accountability organization-wide.

Track remediation against targets

Track remediation against targets

Understand the effectiveness of your remediation efforts compared to your organization’s internal security policies. Combined with understanding of ownership across every endpoint, this improves accountability organization-wide.

Book your demo of Panaseer

Find out how to improve your security posture management using Continuous Controls Monitoring.

Our team can give you a tailored demo of the Panaseer platform, including the metrics and dashboards that enable you to prioritize resources and accelerate remediation.