UK 'heading towards digital skills shortage disaster'
The Learning & Work Institute says the number of young people taking IT subjects at GCSE has dropped 40% since 2015.Meanwhile, consulting giant Accenture says demand for AI, cloud and robotics skills is soaring. Experts say digital skills are vital to economic recovery following the pandemic.The Learning & Work Institute's research reveals that 70% of young people expect employers to invest in teaching them digital skills on the job, but only half of the employers surveyed in the study are able to provide that training.Panaseer's Lead data scientist Leila Powell had this to say:"Even if young people start to look into it and look up some companies or programmes, what do the programmes and the mentors look like? Do they look like them?"
"Having better representation in technology as a sector would help. Even working in tech, it's not necessarily that diverse. "Read the full article from the BBC News.