Using automation to overcome the thorny problem of data truth for improved cybersecurity strategies
Automated and data-driven insights can be key to a CISO’s business approach and to forming an effective cybersecurity strategy. Charaka Goonatilake, CTO, Panaseer, explains why data insights set CISOs free to set tailored strategies more closely aligned to the business outcomes dictated by senior management teams.If Tim Berners-Lee had given up when his boss wrote the words ‘vague but exciting’ on a document outlining his theory for vast interconnected data networks, today’s business world would be very different.Thankfully, instead, these networks have spent three decades realigning the tectonic plates on which companies stand. Data now forms the foundations for organisational decision-making. In a security context, it can provide an accurate overarching picture of risk to enable more proactive and prioritised management of human, technological and procedural assets.For senior security leaders looking to use data more effectively, aggregation and context is crucial. Only with a complete picture of all the enterprise assets, and how they are exposed, together with an understanding of how they map to an organisation’s structure and business objectives, can meaningful change be achieved.Read the full article from the Intelligent CISO.