Make 2019 The Year For Data-Driven Cybersecurity
December 04, 2018
Having accurate and up-to-date data at your fingertips stops security becoming a blocker to the business. Panaseer’s VP of Product, Mike MacIntyre makes the case for 2019 as the year of data-driven cybersecurity.
If you look at the structure of the Board at an average mid-sized to large company, the most anomalous position is that of the CISO. It’s more often than not the newest C-level appointment and the one that is struggling the most to justify the RoI on departmental spend. It’s taken years for cyber to have become a Board-level issue, but now the rest of Board is paying attention, many CISOs are lacking the insight to know what to say.
With counterparts able to give a data-driven breakdown across line of business, departments, geography and time period, it’s inconceivable for CISOs to carry on relying on ‘gut instinct’ and justifying budgets via fear, uncertainty and doubt.
The time is now for solid, data-driven decision-making capabilities, especially given the rapidly evolving threat landscape and an increasingly distant (cloud) and heterogeneous technology environment.
Drivers to change the status quo
Security has traditionally been seen as a department that hampers innovation, rather than an enabler for digital business and digital transformation.
The CISO typically hails from a technological position and struggles to translate their operations in business terms. There is a clear disconnect when it comes to them stepping up to both pitch their needs in a way that the business understands (in line with its drivers) and back this up later with evidence of progress…
Read the full article for more about the year for data-driven cybersecurity.