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Cyber crime: sharing the data with IT and risk functions

June 11, 2018

The Panaseer Team

Sharing the data with IT and risk functions because security is now too important to be left to IT alone. James Doggett, SVP North America and CISO, Panaseer explains why IT teams must work together with risk functions sharing crucial data to address cyber risks. If they do not, crucial links may be missed.

What does internal audit need to know and what should auditors be checking?

Cyber risk is one of the more significant operational risks yet many organisations are still not taking steps to identify or even effectively manage this risk across the business. Given the risk landscape today, security teams need to embed risk management into the fabric of their operations. They cannot fix all cyber exposures and risks; there is a need to prioritise those that provide the greatest return on investment (ROI) (ie, the greatest reduction in risk for the dollar/pound spent).

This process requires viewing cyber threats and risks through a risk lens.

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